1.Uninstall all previous versions of V-Ray
2.Make sure you have removed the following folders:
3.3ds Max: \Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 20xx
4.Vray RT: \Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\RT for 3ds Max 20xx for x64\bin
5.Download and install ‘vray_adv_36003_max20xx_x64.exe‘ to its default installation folder
6.Copy the unlocked file ‘vray20xx.dlr‘ to “\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 20xx\plugins\” and overwrite
7.Copy the unlocked file ‘vray_zzz20xx.dlr‘ to “\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\RT for 3ds Max 20xx for x64\bin\plugins\” and overwrite
V-Ray for 3ds Max is the core development of Chaos Group, which allows users to quickly and easily create realistic images while giving them full control over the 3D production process.
Modified Features
V-Ray / V-Ray RT
Optimize compiling geometry for scenes with displacement on machines with many cores
Add settings rollout IPR options whether to track changes to the VFB size and whether to always use progressive sampling
V-Ray RT
Add an option to only render the visible part of image for OpenVR and Oculus renders (Follow VR headset)
Do not consider Intel GPUs for V-Ray GPU
Take the adaptive lights number of lights into account
Make unoccluded sub-texmap slot default when keeping replaced texture as subtexmap
Show MDL enum parameters as combo boxes instead of spinners
img2tiledexr should store its version and build date into the converted OpenEXR files
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