Realistic rendering based on the laws of physics and nature
Straightforward and comfortable settings
User-friendly interface
Support for various lens effects
The means of processing and rendering performance and speed.
Path Tracking bilateral and accurate
Supports different image sampling methods
The use of optical sources based on the laws of physics
Detailed and beautiful shading
A good example of a woman, dark and bright scenes
-V-Ray: Ability to export .vrscene package archive with all asset files;
-V-Ray: A tool for converting materials to V-Ray material;
Modified features:
-V-Ray: Ability to add rounded edges V-Ray attributes directly to VRayMtl, VRayAlSurface and VRayBlend materials;
-VRayBerconNoise/Viewport 2.0: Bercon noise Viewport 2.0 preview is now disabled by default for faster shader compilation;
-V-Ray: Improved bucket rendering performance on 128 core NUMA machines;
-VRayAlSurface: “Consider all objects” in the VRayAlSurface material now only considers other objects with VRayAlSurface applied;
Bug fixes:
-V-Ray: Fixed crease artifacts in V-Ray subdivision with non-integer crease weights;
-V-Ray: Fixed -skipExistingFrames option not working properly in Standalone;
-VRayBerconNoise: Fixed displacement with Bercon noise;
-VRayLayeredTex: Fixed a bug with negative values;
-Chaos Cloud: Abort submitting an incomplete animation to the cloud when the export was aborted by the user;
-V-Ray: Fixed post translate python with overridden VRaySettings node;
-V-Ray: Fixed automatic installation with config file;
-V-Ray GPU: Fixed a crash with motion blur on Linux;
-V-Ray GPU: Fixed the GPU Device Select options becoming unavailable;
-V-Ray GPU: Fixed a crash in Standalone on render end with textures with environment variables;
-V-Ray GPU: Fixed a crash in IPR with on-demand mip-mapping for textures connected to self-illumination;
-V-Ray GPU: Fixed artifacts with adaptive dome light;
-V-Ray GPU: Fixed a crash with RTX in IPR with VRayFur when deleting source geometry;
-V-Ray: Fixed hash detection for EXRs files from OIIO;
Install Instruction:
1. Remove any previous crack, like vray_v40403_maya_fix.dll, vrayformayapatch.mll, zray.mll, vray_zzz.dll and etc.
2. Download and install V-Ray. No need to install the License Server.
3. Copy vray_v43000_maya_fix.dll to the V-Ray plugins dir ( C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2017\vray\vrayplugins )
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