Unreal Engine for Designers and Architects [RUS]

Year of issue : 2019
Manufacturer : Specialist
Manufacturer’s website : www.specialist.ru/course/unreal
Author : Epov Dmitry Andreevich
Duration : 17 hours 40 minutes
Distribution Type : Video Tutorial
Language : Russian
Description : Upon completion of the course, you will be able to:
navigate the Unreal Engine interface;
transfer objects and scenes from 3ds max with materials, lighting and animation to Unreal Engine;
manage objects in Unreal Engine;
create various objects in the Unreal Engine;
work with libraries of Unreal Engine objects;
create and edit materials in the Unreal Engine;
set your own lighting and edit transferred from 3ds max;
adjust the movement of the camera from the first person and along a predetermined path;
set up movement in virtual reality;
display the final product in the form of a series of images or a video;
display the final product as an interactive project with or without VR support

Module 1. Basics of working with Unreal Engine. Project interface and file structure.

  • Epic Games launcher interface. Launching the Unreal Engine and accessing libraries.
  • Creation of a project in Unreal Engine based on a project template.
  • Exploring the Unreal Engine interface.
  • Creation of standard objects and operations with them.
  • Assigning materials to objects.
  • Adding light sources.
  • Adding library models.
  • Calculation of global illumination.
    Module 2. Setting up light and materials.
  • Transferring objects from 3ds max to Unreal Engine either one by one or the entire scene at the same time.
  • Editing materials and lighting, ported to the Unreal Engine project.
  • Changing the parameters of shooting cameras and exposure.
  • Installation of additional lighting and adding lighting effects.
  • Setting the rendering of global illumination.
  • Creation of your own materials in the Unreal Engine.
  • Management of the main components of materials.
  • The concept of Instance-materials, optimization of copying and editing of materials.
    Module 3. Video output and first-person control. Creation of an interactive project.
  • Explore the Sequencer tool.
  • Output of a series of still images.
  • Video output.
  • Configuring parameters in the first-person movement mode.
  • Setting up collisions with objects.
  • The concept of simple and complex collisions.
  • Output of an interactive project as an executable file for MS Windows.
    Module 4. Virtual reality tools.
  • Study of the capabilities of modern VR tools.
  • Connecting a VR headset to a PC.
  • Setting up movement in VR mode: normal movement and teleportation.
  • Project output in virtual reality mode.
    Module 5. Programming simple interactive interactions.
  • Learning the basics of the visual programming language Blueprints.
  • Methods for accessing the state of objects and light sources.
  • Methods for tracking user actions.
  • Creation of scripts to change lighting and materials.
  • Creation of scripts affecting the behavior of objects.
  • Output of an interactive project with the ability of the user to influence objects and lighting.
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