Major Feature Release – Turbo Tools V4 now with Temporal Intelligence added to the Temporal Stabilizer + 700% faster split channel stabilisation!
Turbo Tools is an easy to use addon that allows you to render at much lower samples and still get great results. This ability to use lower samples results in faster renders, and thanks to the temporal stabiliser it’s suitable for animations too. No more fiddling about trying to find the best samples, you just choose the quality and speed you need, and it’ll set it all up for you. There are also a host of features to speed up post production, and it’s compatible with all hardware and operating systems supported by Blender.
Overview video showing all main features:
The three main areas of the addon are:
- Turbo Render – Vastly superior render results in a fraction of the time for both CPU and GPU Cycles rendering. Retains image quality the standard denoisers can’t maintain, in some cases even when providing them with images rendered for 120X longer! For complex scenes you can expect your single frame renders to be reduced from several hours to several minutes!ย Check out the below video to see how Turbo Render was able to get a gtx 1070 to destroy an rtx 4090!ย
- Temporal Stabilizer – This massive feature provides per pass temporal stabilization, allowing denoising flicker to be removed from animations that otherwise would need hugely longer render times to avoid! Check out the video below to find out how easy and effective it is, and also see the new Temporal Intelligence features added in Turbo Tools version 4 that allow it to tackle even the most complex of animations with both speed and ease:ย
- Turbo Comp – A full compositor suite with real-time playback and compositing directly in the compositor backdrop, branch caching, resaving of file output nodes without re-rendering, automatic file output node creation, publishing of multiple compositions with ease, and lots more.
In difficult to render scenes (indoor scenes, volumes, scenes containing glossy materials with detailed textures, SSS, etc) Turbo Render provides results that OIDN/Optix could require you to render up to 120x longer in order to match Turbo Render’s results. When no denoiser is used you could expect to render up to 960x longer to achieve the same results produced by Turbo Render (scene dependant). Additionally it simplifies the entire rendering process thanks to render setting pre-sets designed to help you get the result you need without diving into the complex render settings. It even works with complex compositing setups without the need to do any rewiring yourself! The results are remarkable as can be seen below.
Classroom scene using the new draft mode. Total render time (including denoising) was under 17 seconds on a gtx1070 with an i7-7700k !!!!!!!!
All examples rendered using a GTX 1070. Where there are comparisons, OptiX and OIDN were always set to the most accurate settings.
Scene 1 – heavy DOF , strong SSS, film set to transparent to test alpha.
Click here to download test scene 1
Test scene 2 Available from the shop.
Turbo render is able to maintain reflection clarity at extremely low samples. OIDN required over 4 minutes of rendering to achieve a similar quality.
The image is rendered with film set to transparent to produce an alpha channel. The white background (top of the image) is then added in the compositor to highlight the difference in quality. OIDN required a 4 min render to get close to Turbo Render’s 10 second render result, but there was still visible noise (video to follow)
Scene 2 – Indoor scene to test geometry detail and texture detail.
Above we can see that even after 30 minutes of rendering, OIDN is still unable to retain as much texture detail as Turbo Render can at on 1 min!
Even with a 15 second render, that’s a whopping 120x faster than the 30 min render used by OIDN, Turbo Render can still maintain texture detail using it’s ‘Enhanced Textures’ option:
Above we can see that the bottom of the cupboard area is getting quite badly mangled up by OIDN and even worse with OPTIX. This is because denoisers can struggle with dark edges of geometry that meet with shadows due to a lack of contrast. Turbo Render can achieve much better results using it’s ‘slow (all passes mode), even at very low samples (as shown above bottom right).
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