[Rebelway] Realtime FX for Games & Cinematics

Release year : 2020
Manufacturer : Rebelway
Manufacturer’s website : https://www.rebelway.net/realtime-fx-for-games-and-cinematics
Duration : 24:11:07
Handout type : Video tutorial
Language : Russian
Description : Houdini has become a popular tool in the FX industry. Whoever possesses his power is unstoppable.
As realtime takes off, the best addition to Houdini is the Unreal engine. In this course, we’ll take a deep dive into the artistic side of real-time FX, gaining the basics you need to succeed.
We will guide you through the process of creating stylized effects up to a realistic volcano eruption using Houdini and the Niagra Unreal particle system.

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