Counter Strike Global Offensive for PC


Counter StrikePlay

Counter Strike Global Offensive

One of the founders of the multiplayer shooter style is definitely Counter-Strike, which we have seen several versions of in the gaming market in recent years. We all remember the color brick environment and the doors and walls of Counter-Strike 1.6. From the year 2000, when the title was released to global markets, until today, when a new version of this series is to be released, this title has been welcomed in game networks all over Iran, and every day many people go to play this title for a round. They became game nets. Following the success of this title, Valve did not sit idle, and four years after the release of Counter-Strike 1.6, it released another title in the series, but this time under a different name, Counter-Strike Source, and there are still many updates for this title. Its well-known manufacturer is released. It's been a bit boring for a few years now, and Valve plans to release a newer version of the series called CSGO Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on August 21 this year. Slow the world. With more maps and more attractive weapons than its two previous versions, the title seeks to revitalize the series and engage fans of the genre for a long time. Now that we are approaching the release date of the game and the information that was available from this title, we decided to bring you the audience of the Game Center site with a brief preview of this title. After the success of the previous versions of this series. This time, Valve plans to transform the multiplayer world by releasing another version of the series called Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. All maps and weapons of the previous titles of this series will be included in this title.

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