2. Interface settings.mp4 (02:16)
3. Create a new document.mp4 (05:10)
4. Toolbar, all the nuances.mp4 (10:26)
5. Must-see.mp4 (02:35)
6. Introducing Simple Figures.mp4 (12:43)
7. Pen Tool and its Subgroup.mp4 (11:07)
8. Copying an object, copying in a circle.mp4 (04:36)
9. Pathfinder and the Shape Builder Tool.mp4 (4:22)
10. Layers.mp4 (06:58)
11. Tools Knife and Scissors.mp4 (2:59)
12.Connection and Separation of Lines, What is a Compound Path.mp4 (3:35)
13. Combining objects into groups, alignment.mp4 (8:25)
14. Practical lesson โ1.mp4 (36:13)
15. Practical lesson No. 2.mp4 (51:21)
16. Introducing brushes, creating your own brushes.mp4 (16:57)
17. Practical lesson โ1.mp4 (25: 9)
18. Getting acquainted with working with color, creating our own palette.mp4 (10:29)
19. What is Magic Wand.mp4 (03:08)
20.All kinds of gradient.mp4 (12:14)
21. Learning to Use Transparency and Fit the Blending Mode.mp4 (03:47)
22. Practical lesson โ1.mp4 (29:23)
23. Practical lesson No. 2.mp4 (33:15)
24. Practical lesson No. 3.mp4 (118: 06)
25. Create the text. Introducing the Text Settings.mp4 (05:52)
26. Why convert text to curves.mp4 (04:00)
27. Practical lesson โ1.mp4 (45:24)
28. Practical lesson โ1.mp4 (34:19)
29. Practical lesson # 2.mp4 (42:30)
30. Transition Tool.mp4 (03:53)
31. Practical lesson โ1.mp4 (20:24)
32. Practical lesson No. 2.mp4 (19:29)
33. What is Clipping Mask.mp4 (04:13)
34. What is Image Trace .mp4 (6:58)
35. Practical lesson โ1.mp4 (37:18)
36. Practical lesson โ2.mp4 (23:31)
37. Immediately to Practice.mp4 (53:14)
38. Practical lesson โ1.mp4 (8:41)
39. Practical lesson No. 2.mp4 (20:15)
40. Bonus.mp4 (51:00)
41. Conclusion.mp4 (03:14)
Sample files : present
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